If Your Dog Licks Their Paws, This Probiotic Chew is a Must. Here’s Why.
If your pup can’t stop licking their paws, it could be a sign of something serious. But here’s an easy at-home solution to help.
Paw licking is a fairly common behavior among dogs. Most of the time it’s just harmless grooming. However if your pup can’t stop licking their paws it could be the sign of something serious.
How much is too much?
Well, if it’s constant, bordering on obsessive, it’s a problem. That frequent scratching can cause irritation, inflammation, redness of the skin, even loss of fur.
What Causes Excessive Paw Licking
Incessant paw licking is usually brought on by environmental or seasonal allergies which cause your dog to itch. This itching leads them to scratching. That scratching leads to irritated skin. In turn that irritated skin leads to more itching. And the process starts all over again.
Your dog is trapped in a vicious cycle set in motion by allergies.
It’s frustrating for them, and for you.
So what can be done?
Well, first we need to understand how allergies work.
The immune system creates an inflammatory response to combat what it sees as a harmful invader. The problem is, most allergens, like grass, dust, and pollen, are actually harmless. So in effect, the immune system is over-reacting.
That’s essentially what allergies are.
Many times this inflammatory response manifests as ATOPIC DERMATITIS, a skin condition that causes excessive itching.
There is a wide array of topical solutions; Creams, ointments, and sprays that all help to soothe your dog’s itching but there’s a problem.
They are only temporary.
They work on the surface to treat that atopic dermatitis but, and here’s the dirt:
Atopic dermatitis is really just the middle-man.
Outside Health is a Sign of Internal Health
So while these topical treatments may soothe itching temporarily, they are not getting to the root of the problem - the allergy itself.
Dr. Oakley believes the key to freeing dogs from allergies is balancing the immune system so that it is able to care of real threats, like infections and viruses, but doesn’t over-react to harmless triggers like dust and pollen.
The secret to doing that lies in the gut. That’s because nearly 70 percent of the cells that make up the immune system are in the gut! So if the microbial community in the gut is weak or overrun by the wrong kind of bacteria, the immune system can’t function like it should.
And the truth is, the guts of modern dogs are not as diverse and healthy as they used to be. They lack what their ancestors had.
Something we like to call the “ancestral advantage”.
Fortunately there’s a way to give our beloved pups back what they lost.
By harnessing the power of wolf probiotics!
Even today, wolves have a more natural diet then their domesticated brethren. Feasting on raw meat and wild vegetation just as they did tens of thousands of years ago gives them a very diverse community of gut bacteria.
Scientists have recently isolated certain bacterial strains from the intestines of modern wolves. This advancement can be a boon for our pets. The trick is to find a way to get that into our housebound pups.
Better Wild has teamed up with Alaskan Veterinarian and TV personality Dr. Michelle Oakley to do just that.
Dr. Oakley has been an international animal rescue veterinarian for over 20 years. She is based in Haines, Alaska where she lives with her 3 daughters and her Australian shepherd Bindi. Dr. Oakley’s entire life has been driven by her love of animals. Whether she’s making a house call or traveling around the world with her TV show Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet, her whole family supports her mission of helping animals, whatever the need.
Introducing Better Wild Bindi Bites!
Your Dog Will Thank You
Packed with a special mix of probiotics we call the “Ancestral Advantage”, these delicious probiotic chews will help your dog get back to their roots, from a gastrointestinal standpoint at least, so they can stay healthy and get out there and enjoy their best life.
Once your pups start taking Bindi Bites, their gut microbiome can be transformed from one that’s weak and homogenous to one that’s strong and balanced.
This will start a ripple effect.
Once the probiotics have populated their GI Tract, their digestion will have what it needs to function properly and their immune response will be more balanced. That means their body can efficiently fight off foreign invaders without triggering allergic reactions.
And that means squashing allergies at the source and stopping that pesky paw licking before it begins!
Our dogs have done so much for us. They have given us years of companionship, protection, laughter, and joy. Isn’t it time we give them a little something back? Isn’t it time to give them that Ancestral Advantage they used to have before we altered their diet?
Isn’t it time for Better Wild Bindi Bites?